Monday, June 20, 2011

" I'm Back"

Where does the time go?

Well I think the last post I made was that we were moving and that's were I left off. Kyle has finished the 10th grade and Kamren the 4th. Mom & Dad celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary, well just let me give you a list:
MeLeah, Drew, Priss and Bubba now lives in Michigan.
Melanie, Joel, Possum and Squirrel are still in KY.
Matt, Crystal, Bailey, Avery and Lydia are still in Winfield.
Kamren just finished up his Baseball season and Kyle ended his school year in Soccer as Goalie.(his 1st year to play soccer)
The boys are out of school for the summer, Kyle spends each morning at Basketball/Football camp and most weekends at out of town camps. Kamren sleeps till noon then complains if he has to go Kirk grumbles about June being a boring month because of no sports to watch. As for me...everyday is a new day with new challenges and adventures. Little Possum will turn 6 tomorrow and I will be a big 49, my last year in the 40's... Oh Well! they say it's just a number. Well I do hope to do better at posting and I wish everyone a safe summer!!!

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