Sunday, October 9, 2011

* Happy 11th Birthday Kamren

Happy Birthday Kamren!!!!

Eleven years ago I was in a race with my dad to see who could finish 1st, me having a baby or him finishing a double decker tree house. My Midwife arrived at our home at 8:00 amand got things started, my labor was not going well so she gave me something to snort ( if I had been in a hospital this will have been in my veins) but because I have never use any drugs or nose drops I never caught on to the whole snort the meds so my labor was very long. I spent most of the day walking, jumping, rocking anything that I thought would get this over. We had just moved into our new home and I was in a lot of hip pain from lifting and bending and I had pushed Kamren down on a nerve that had crippled me, so my Midwife thought it was time for me to have the baby. Mom, Dad, Matt, MeLeah, Cris and Kyle were all present for the Grand day. needless to say my dad beat me in the race and the Tree House was finished but no baby.
I had threw in the towel and given up when all you know what hit the scene. Oh, and did I say Kamren like Kyle was born at home not in a hospital???? Yes I did it again this time I was at the very young age of 39 giving birth at home just like on all the Old West Movies( where most of the women in the movies died). By midnight Kirk and Mrs.Gretchen decided they were tired and I had to get busy so they could go to I had given up and was ready to meet my maker, I had gotten to far in the birthing process to be moved to the hospital ( all of 2miles away) so they say, so it was deliver or DIE and I was in for the latter. I begged my mom to call 911, told my children goodbye and really thought I was going to die. Kirk being the Kirk he is finally got in my face and made me fight. I had developed a problem that ever time I pushed the baby down he would just go right back up.I really don't know what took place down there only that had I been in a hospital I would have a c-section.Finally at 5am on 10-10-00 Kamren Lee Eriksen decided to come on out and meet his family. I had always thought that I would be in my 50's and still be having babies but he broke the mold and he became the caboose some 21 years from his Big sister Melanie. All my babies are different but he and MeLeah have a lot in common. They are always on the go, always talking and never a dull moment. MeLeah was the one who had her own sign on the door at the ER and Dr. office and Kamren is right there with her. When he was little he always had a stick...lots of sticks!!! Everywhere we went he had a stick even went to bed with his sticks. He was the actor and had the costume to go with what ever he was for the day.
Kamren has always been full of life. I have joked with him many times that by the time he gets married I will be in a nursing home and not know my name or that he will have to take care of me, but God has his plan with everything in life and Kamren would be just that. He cares about everyone and is always worried about everyone. In less than 9 months Kamren will be the Man of the house with Kyle off at college. It's hard to think about him being the only baby left. my how times flies!!!!
Love you Little Man and Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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