Saturday, December 26, 2009

* Winfield Christmas 2009

My Kids..Kam, Drew, Madison, Makenzie, MeLeah (2) row: Bailey, Kyle, Crystal, Matt, Avery
(3)row: me, Melanie, MaKayla, Jonathan, Joel

My Babies: Kam, Kyle, Melaine, MeLeah & Matt

The Strains: Maddie, Drew, MeLeah & Makenzie
Evansville, IN

The Franks: Melanie, Makayla, Jonathan & Joel...Glasgow, KY

The Overton's..Bille, Leatrice, Cynthia, Lisa & Wayne..Winfield, AL

The Lawler's; Crystal, Avery, Matt & Bailey...Winfield, AL

The Grandkids: Kimberly, Bill III, Kyle (Lisa's kids) ...Melanie, MeLeah, Matt, Kyle, Kamren (My Kids)....Luke Overton (Wayne's son)

Lisa's Family...Kimberly, Olivia & Jerry..Kyle & Leah..Bill III, Natasha, Jake, Hunter & Braden

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