Saturday, December 12, 2009

* Zumba Instructor Training 2009

Jani West-Roberts...Master Zumba Instructor

This woman has an amazing story to tell, check it out...

Janis Roberts/Master Zumba Instructor...

Kamren & John (Janis Husband,another great Master of Zumba)

Melanie & Christina........

Silk & Christina........

Today was a very long, hard but fun day with the "Master" Janis Roberts..

We began at 8:00 (7:00 am Al time) and stopped at 6pm. Lots of sweat and pain. We had a very fun day, as you can see at the end of the day Kamren got in on the fun..

My Instructor: Christina Kirkland, Me, Melanie (she was a student of Christina's when she lived in B'ham) and Silk.

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