Thursday, May 29, 2008

* Black Cat!!!!!

Let me just say:
Mine and Kyle's day really began last night. After work last night Kamren and myself were headed to Walmart to get Groceries when Kirk called wanting to go to the movies, something we don't do often, but it was Wednesday night and with no school or work the next day and with all the ball playing we have done we thought we will be spontaneous and go to the movies. So as I pulled into the movie parking lot out of nowhere out comes a BLACK CAT right in front of my car, I could not turn around and go the other way, I stopped dead in the road and cars began to blow at me and I was forced to cross the cats path. I "X" my windshield and with on to park. I tried to blow this off but the whole time I was at the movie I thought about that darn CAT.
Kyle was spending the night with friends so I called on the way home to check on him but he would not answer his cell phone. I would not normally worry but after the "CAT" I began to worry. I finally called one of the friends cell to find out Kyle was pushed into their pool and his cell phone was ruined.( this was not good, 'BLACK CAT").!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I get up, cook breakfast and hurry around the house trying to get some sun on my day off. We had not been at the pool very long, I had been to the bathroom and changed, and had been back a couple of times and had made it just fine, well for some reason this time I went on the way down my right leg slipped and I landed on my left leg with it bent back under me. All I could think at the time was" my tan" and let me tell you it don't look good. Before I ever got up I knew it was UGLY. I had joked many times at the ballgames when our boys are sliding and stealing bases what it would be like to slide at our AGE. Let me tell you, it ain't fun!!!
I had no covering on my legs, just skin against rough cement. I could not move forever and kept waiting for help, but the pool was so crowded no one notice me. I manged to get to the snack shop for help and Kyle and Sherri were called to help me. All I could think was BLACK CAT!!!!
Am I superstitious? or just a bad day?
I don't know, but the pain is sicken. I don't know how Kyle can dive and slide head first when playing ball. Today, I feel like a real grandma that needs a wheelchair. Tommorrow, God only knows how I will be moving, there is not a spot on me that doesn't hurt.
Thank the lord, Kyle was due a upgrade on his phone and he has a new phone, but I don't think my leg will ever be the same.
If I live to be a 100, I hope I never see another "BLACK CAT".

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