Wednesday, May 6, 2009

* Sophie's 1st Preschool Play...

This morning I went to Sophie's Preschool Play, let me just say this is not the scared little girl that came to us 8 months ago. We had already been told not to wave at them so I was little concerned that she would sit on stage and not cry, but to surprise us all she acted as if she had done this many times before.
She sang and did the motions to all the songs and when it was her time to come up front for her part she got right up and was a very big girl.
We are all ver proud of "Miss Sophie".

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Tonja said...

love your pics! Glad you could be there! I, too, was so proud of Sophie! She did great!

Sherrie said...

Thank you, Nai, for taking pictures and videoing my program. Thank you for the bag of goodies.

I lush you!

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