Sunday, June 15, 2008

* Father's Day!!!

The men in my life!
" When you become a Father, the money you carried in you wallet is replaced with your children's pictures"

First of all I want to talk about my daddy.

My daddy has taught me so much in life, he has been my role model, I owe so much to my daddy. He has always been a hard worker. for so many years we would tell him bye at night as he would leave for the coal mines not knowing if we would see him alive again. He has escape so many accidents in those mines but God always was there to scoop him up and give him back to us. He taught me that a 9 to 5 job was not were you stopped you still came home to yard and garden work. We always had a garden were 90% of our food came from and still today he has a garden. My daddy has never been afraid to work. Daddy taught taught us that God was always 1st no matter what we did God is 1st. I was reminded today as once again we were on the road playing ball that I should have been in church not playing ball but to still put God 1st. The one thing my Dad instilled in me was any and everything he taught us about God and church you can never escape it, you will always remember it. Thanks Dad for ALL the memories and sacrifices you gave up for me and our family. I love you!!!


My oldest boy, I knew a long time ago when Kyle was born that Matt was going to be a great Dad. I also knew(thought) that no matter how long he searched he would never find a girl that would be good enough for him and I always would say "Matthew just date them don't marry them" but God always has a plan. When I met Cris I thought this will pass, Matthew is not ready but I knew in my heart Matthew needed and longed for a family. The more I got to know Cris I began to see that she may be the one, I could see that she really Loved Matthew and Matthew Loved Cris, but not only Cris, he really loved and cared for Bailey like he was his own. When we got the news that little Avery was on his way we all could not wait for Matthew to have a child of his own and as we all know and knew Matt would be the best Daddy and little boy could want, so now Matt is blessed with two little boys. Well, this morning we got up to play ball ( not to play because of rain) so I had time to check emails and that's when I found Chris's blog about Matt. I knew all these things about Matt but to hear it from Chris was so very special. I was sitting at the computer crying my eyes out reading all she had to say and most of it was about how good Matt had been to Bailey. Thanks Chris for giving me a special Mother's day on Father's day. I love you both and Happy 1st Father's Day to Matthew!!!
Last but not least, I just want to Thank you for being a wonderful Dad to my babies. Thanks for all those ballgames you have coached ( we just played our 50th Hooks travel ballgame today, traveling almost every week end since April) giving up FSU games which he loves and lives for. I know most everyone would say "yall play too much ball" but it is a family thing and we are together and it keeps our boys out of trouble and they love playing ball. We thought when Kamren started Baseball this year Kirk would not coach nor would Kamren want him to but Kamren was very adamant he wanted his Dad to be his coach. Kirk is very proud of his boys and our blended family,he talks often of the gran babies and he works very hard for his family. I know we don't say it enough but "Thanks for providing for our family" we love you and Happy Father's Day!!!

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