Friday, June 27, 2008

* Uncle David

Sassafras (AKA) Uncle David.
Uncle Johnnie, Aunt Lynda, Uncle David & Mother.
Today (6/26 is when I started to blog this but in took me this long to find the picture) was Uncle David's Birthday. David was much more than my Uncle he was more like my big brother. My grandfather died at a early age and David was born late in my Grandmother's life so much of my early years was spent with David. I have lots of memories of him as my big brother. I became very close to David. After he married and had Jason, Stephen & Brian I was the baby sitter, they became like my own. Each day I have thoughts of Uncle David, and I miss him deeply, my trips home are not the same without seeing him. When I would go home(Winfield) I would have two stops to make, Uncle David & Granny, now they are both gone, his life was taking so quickly from us. He told us on a visit he thought he had the flu that lefted him with "side Persis" after many test they found "lung Cancer" a result of many years working in the Strip Pits. Long story short, he lived 6 months from the time we were told he had cancer. I think he died today 6-28-04. He is now in heaven with his Dad that was taken from him at a very early age and his Mother that also died from Cancer. I miss him very much and wish my boys could have known him. I love and miss you!!!

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